CME Group will be hosting its Tech Talk 6.0 “Generation Data” on Thursday, September 14th at the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago. This annual event brings together financial, data, and business innovators for an evening of compelling discussions spotlighting the latest trends and technologies disrupting and evolving the financial industry.
Last year’s event, Tech Talk 5.0, focused on the digitization of assets, next generation data, big data, and quantum computing in financial markets. See the video of last year’s event here.
This year’s event aims to address key topics in emerging and disruptive technologies revolving around the financial markets and financial industry, with a full agenda that includes topics covering:
Analytics: From Sports to Finance
By analyzing player data, the Cubs’ management team created a winning lineup to clinch the World Series Championship. Learn about the Cubs’ winning data strategy and how these same techniques can be incorporated into financial business development.
4:10pm – 4:40pm – Special Guest Speaker – Julie Armstrong Hosts a Discussion with Jed Hoyer
Jed Hoyer – Executive Vice President and General Manager, Chicago Cubs
Julie Armstrong – Executive Director, Global Head of Market Technology Services, CME Group
Alternative Data
Going beyond the more encompassing topic of big data from events past, the rise of non-traditional data sets has revealed new opportunities in harnessing, cultivating, and visualizing large amounts of data.
5:25pm – 5:55pm – Alternative Data Panel
John Han – Director of Financial Analysis, Orbital Insight
David Potere – CEO and Co-Founder, Tellus Labs
Moderator: David Gresky – Senior Director, Market Technology Sales, CME Group
Trending in FinTech
From start-ups to how fintech is implemented in the financial markets, trends in financial technology are constantly evolving and are set to include talking points around automation and data assets.
6:00pm – 6:20pm – Presentation by Filament
Allison Clift-Jennings – Co-Founder and CEO
Innovation in the Cloud
Cloud technologies have revolutionized the way data is curated, stored, secured, and shared. We look to gain a better understanding of how the cloud has changed how we interact with financial information.
6:25pm – 6:55pm – Keynote Presentation by Google
Corrie Elston – Chief Technology Officer, Financial Services, Google Cloud
This year’s growing speaker lineup includes top trading leaders and business thought leaders from CME Group, Google Cloud, Chicago Cubs, Tellus Labs, Orbital Insight, and more!
As a sponsor of Tech Talk 6.0 we at Gate 39 Media look forward to learning more from these industry experts on what’s around the innovation bend for analytics and alternative data as we ourselves leverage large amounts of data from hedge funds and money managers to deliver simplified data visualizations and calculations in our custom Tear Sheet solutions.
Additionally, since our agency has moved to the Cloud, we’re also interested in learning about the latest innovations in data storage, hosting, and cybersecurity that will ensure that our clients’ website hosting, operational, and financial data is accessible and secure.
And finally, we’re excited to learn how the latest FinTech trends are shaping both the industry and needs of our clients so we can evolve our fintech solutions, financial apps and modules, tools, and services to help “deliver an answer ahead of the question”.