Financial Operations
FCM1 is an advanced online portal providing futures clearing member firms with the tools to run and support a modern clearing firm.
FCM1 was developed based on our intimate knowledge working with clearing firms, brokers and investors at various levels and clients (institutional, professionals, retail) to service their needs in a single platform.
All-in-One FCM Solution
Using a module (app) model, we leverage a single login and security model to manage roles and accessibility to information within a central framework. This provides FCMs with firm, operations, and broker level restricted access, views, and enables clients direct access to their account information.
A powerful and easy-to-use service portal for operations and clients, FCM1 is a base comprised of various modules that provide robust operations functionality. Modules are customized to meet your specific needs and business rules.
Select Multiple Modules
- Account Application Manager
- Statement Manager
- Position/Trades Viewer
- Operations Modules
- Platform Demo Manager
- Quick1FR
- Investor Resources
Statements & Accounts Portal
We can set up an attractive, easy-to-use portal for accessing statement data as searchable data within a portal with access to PDF statements. Our portals work in conjunction with GMI data and iDash files (from ION) and other file formats.
Select Multiple Modules
- Responsive design with a modern look
- Easily configurable views
- Multiple module integrations
- Forced terms of use acceptance
- Support for Open Account links for individual salespeople
- Built-in security and more
Trades & Positions Viewer
Our FCM1 interface provides basic overview of current positions. View current net status of positions including top of day and easily filter and display all trades by product, account, and more. Enjoy customized views including hide/show columns, preferences, user security and more
Quick Display
Quickly display all positions by date using intuitive range options.
On-Demand Customization
The FCM1 interface is easily customizable with an extensive selection of Column Menu options. Offering user-friendly drag-and-drop functionality, once you save your settings the FCM1 system will remember your preferences on your next login.
Additionally, we can further extend the functionality of your FCM1 interface to meet your firm’s unique needs. Whether you need real-time data, quotes, account information, sales information, special portals, or applications to improve your operations and overall firm management—we create solutions to improve your business.
Integrated Quote & Data Displays
Extend your FCM1 experience by integrating additional custom data and quotes displays. From data-on-demand, to advanced charting, and mobile displays—we have experience and a library of modules to meet your needs.
FCM1 Demo Portal
An FCM’s Lead Generation Tool
FCM1’s customized demo request system can issue demo usernames and passwords with fully customized responses. All requests are recorded in portal and passed on to the platform partner as required. The FCM1 Demo Portal is a powerful lead management tool that is used across hundreds of brokers to generate hundreds of thousands of leads per year.