A website is often the first impression potential clients see when considering working with your company. Just because your business may not be focused on e-commerce or consumer-based products does not mean you shouldn’t have an online presence. For example, when done properly, having a well-built website will serve as a key lead generation tool helping your managed fund as you work towards building a book of business.
Consider that there are several potential clients doing research on the best brokerage firms in Chicago because they don’t know where to turn or who to trust. The first thing they’ll do is go to Google or a similar search engine where thousands of results pop up. Yet only a few stand out. Most likely, the clear winners are the firms with a modern, up-to-date website that provides value and a sense of comfort to ensure the lead that you’re the best in the biz. This, of course, could then lead to a consultation and a potential long-term client partnership.
Too often we find businesses in the financial industry that think having an updated website isn’t key because it doesn’t add to the bottom line. It’s more important than ever, especially as our society is making a speedy shift towards being completely digital and transparent.
If you’re in the market for a new website, check out these 10 signs that tell you it’s time for a redesign:
1. Your Website Has Out of Date Information
This seems like a no-brainer. However, you’d be surprised at the amount of financial related websites that exist with the wrong information. Maybe you recently moved offices and clients are directed to your old space based on directions from your website. Or perhaps a once-offered discounted service listed on your site is now full price leaving a discrepancy with prospective clients. Or an old employee is still listed on the website which has turned into a legality issue. This doesn’t really seem like a good look. Make sure the most obvious content is always updated on your site and check frequently for outdated info so it doesn’t pile up over time.
2. You Started a Blog …And It Hasn’t Been Updated in Years
We see this a lot. In theory, having a blog sounds like a fantastic idea. But if you don’t have someone designated to maintain it, the blog will fall to the wayside. How bad do you think it looks to clients coming to your website for expert advice only to find the most recent post was two years ago? If your company decides to have a blog, make sure you have someone in place to write and publish content on a set schedule. Not only can you be a thought leader in your space, but a blog with fresh content contributes to search engine optimization (SEO) so your website will appear higher in search.
3. Your Website Isn’t Keyword Optimized
Speaking of SEO, there is a method to the rankings. Including specific keywords in your website is important if you want to appear at the top of search results above competitors. Knowing this, there’s a right way and a wrong way to add keywords. Make sure your website isn’t “keyword stuffed,” meaning, don’t use the same words too many times so you’re trying to game the ranking system. Also keep in mind keywords should be updated every so often. It is best to work with an experienced SEO specialist and/or copywriter to develop the best plan of action.
4. Your Website Isn’t Mobile Friendly
No matter where you are, people are browsing the web on their phones constantly. We’re living in a “mobile-first” environment meaning that web design should revolve around mobile users first and desktop second. If your website doesn’t easily translate to someone’s device, it could hurt your SEO and therefore result in less client prospects.
5. Your Website Isn’t Responsive
Similar to the prior point, having a responsive website is key to making it mobile friendly. It means your website easily shifts and snaps to visually fit each device no matter where the visitor is viewing from.
6. Your Website Still Uses Flash
Adobe Flash animation and graphics for websites was popular a few years back. Since then, trends have shifted from this because it hurts your visibility in search. Flash isn’t mobile friendly and is even blocked by some browsers like Google’s Chrome, Firefox and Apple’s Safari. Most importantly, it leaves your website vulnerable to security issues, a huge problem if you have sensitive client information on your platform.
7. Your Website Doesn’t Have Top Notch Security
Security is a top factor when rebuilding your website. Although it isn’t seen by clients visiting your page, it is certainly crucial. This is especially important if your company handles clients’ financial information, credit card numbers, and other proprietary details. Take time to invest in the necessary steps to make your website secure and reduce your odds of being hacked. Every company is different so be sure to work with an expert web design firm whose developers are up to speed on security best practices.
8. Your Website Is Slow
Speaking of technical enhancements, one other thing to keep in mind is the speed of your website. If you’re driving clients to your page in hopes they’ll share an email address or sign up for a consultation and the page takes too long to load, it results in lost clients and high bounce rates. This means people are more likely to leave your website right away without taking further action. It also will hurt your search engine rankings so be sure to take speed into consideration during the redesign.
9. Check Google Analytics
Use data to make decisions on whether or not your website should be redesigned. If you’re seeing a decline in time spent on page and repeat visitors over time, consider figuring out where and how a redesign will make measurable changes for your business.
10. Competitors Have a Stronger Web Presence
Not having a strong digital presence will hurt your company. Think long term about how being digitally-minded can have a positive impact on your bottom line so competitors will be catching up with you… and not the other way around.
Is it time to redesign your website? We can help. Let’s talk.
About the Author: Sarah McNabb
Sarah McNabb is Chief Marketing Officer at Gate 39 Media, a full-featured marketing agency and technology consulting firm serving the financial, technology, and agricultural industries.
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