What makes landing pages convert more leads? Good design can absolutely influence how users feel about a company, product, or service, and it can affect a visitor’s decision whether to convert through a form, giving you their information.
Here are our top five basic design tips for building landing pages with conversion power.
Remove all Navigation
Data Research has shown that removing navigation and links from your landing pages will increase conversion rates. We recommend removing the top navigation, sidebar navigation, footers, social media links, and anything distracting viewers from filling out your form.
Be Concise and Clear
Studies show that the more words you use on a landing page, the lower the conversion. We reinforce why the page visitor should complete the form by presenting a bulleted list of benefits that they can easily scan. Explain how your product or service will help their problem.
Additionally, only ask for vital information on the form. The more fields a user must fill out, the lower the conversion rates tend to be.
Include a Reinforcing Hero Image
Add an image that illustrates the offer. Humans respond to and better process visual data better than text. So, include a reinforcing hero image in the header of your page and a thumbnail of your product. Whether it’s software in an e-book or your offer is a free consultation or a one-on-one demo, consider including an emotion-based image to which your user will attach meaning.
Add Social Proof
If you break your landing page into specific sections, consider adding a row at the end for social proof.
Examples of social proof are:
- Testimonials
- Publications that your company may have been featured in
- Expert endorsements
- Any other social proof that demonstrates the wisdom of the crowd
A row with social proof on your landing page is the final argument to demonstrate trust and reputation. It can help reinforce conversion.
Consider Mobile Responsiveness
Ensure that your page is responsive for mobile. With 49% of the world’s population using mobile Internet, optimizing landing pages for mobile is an essential consideration in user experience.
To optimize for conversion, it’s critical that you design your landing pages be designed to load fast and are mobile responsive.
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