If in-person events have been central to your firm’s marketing and sales strategies, now is the time to examine your digital strategy. Everyone will be communicating electronically even more than before with increased amounts of screen time.
Client inboxes are full of emails regarding advice, social media feeds are already increasing, and we’re being flooded with information during this time of crisis—where are you?
If your digital outreach techniques are limited, breathe in, admit you’re late to the game and find someone to help get started. Now is better than never.
Put your firm in the “pretty good” category? Now is the time to raise your game. Look at your analytics and dig into the numbers. More A/B testing on messaging? Is now the time for trying video/podcasts/blog posts or other forms of media? How can you implement more automation to enable you to “do more with less”?
Grab your sanitizer, apply liberally, and buckle in. The improvements you make now aren’t just to get through this time period, they’ll improve your efforts overall.